
We have endeavoured to make this site accessible to a wide audience and to ensure a better experience for all users and all technologies. However we welcome any comments, suggestions or feedback you have relating to this, and we will always work hard to improve or provide content in alternative formats. Please feel free to contact us.

to resize text:

  • PC / Internet Explorer 6
    From the top menu bar, select View and point to Text size
  • PC / Internet Explorer 7
    From the menu bar underneath the search field, select Page and point to Text size
  • PC / other browsers
    Increase text size: Hold down the CTRL key and press + Decrease text size: Hold down the CTRL key and press –
  • Mac / all browsers
    Increase text size: Hold down the Command key and press + Decrease text size: Hold down the Command key and press –

Further help in making the web more accessible to you can be found in these websites, which explain the many ways you can change your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings: