We understand that not all businesses and situations are the same and some are definitely more complex than others

That complexity may come from multiple geographies or even locations in the same country, from parent company vs subsidiary dynamics, a legacy of M&A or IPO, regulatory environments or from recapitalisation.

Whilst a simplified and formulaic approach to culture alignment and engagement can be achieved in some organisations with communication, training and the help of an engagement tool/App, for many businesses the landscape is much more complex.

But having a complex situation doesn’t mean culture change is impossible,  it just requires different thinking and the use of a range of techniques, all of which need to be underpinned by a methodology that provides the structure and means of keeping the change on track.

Culture change programmes for complex situations require attention to detail and an effective approach towards implementation. A multi-layered approach may not be simple, but it can spread responsibility, resources and multiply impact to achieve faster traction. Combine this with team, departmental, or location based embedding activities, even complex culture alignment can be achieved with pace and impact.

Culture Consultancy thrive in dealing with complexity. Our practitioner consultants have business as well as leadership and culture expertise, often from complex, high volume, and heavily regulated environments, so we can help you navigate the nuances of less straight-forward business structures and people dynamics.


Tell us about your culture challange

Every client is unique so first we listen deeply, then we tailor our solution to your specific requirements.

Related case studies

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More Common Culture Challenges

Cultures for innovation and digital transformation

Whether it be to deliver new products and services to customers or improve internal ways of working, digital adoption and innovation requires a shift of company culture, mindsets, behaviours, and ways of working – from leaders and managers to front line staff.

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Cligning cultures for mergers and acquisitions

Culture is still cited as one of the primary reasons why M&A transactions fail to realise their full potential. Aligning cultures stretches well beyond just harmonisation of people and HR policies- it needs to include working practices behaviours and the employee experience.

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Evolving your culture to scale quickly

With rapid growth comes culture strain– ways of working are often outgrown and need to be adapted, new disciplines are required, people need to be upskilled, management practices enhanced, and the employee experience refreshed. Left unresolved, the culture strain will impact on performance and future growth.

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Improving your culture of diversity, inclusion and wellbeing

How diverse your population is, how inclusive your culture and how well your people feel heavily contributes to how agile and innovative you are as a business,  how appealing your offerings are to your diverse customer base, and how engaged, hence productive, your people are.

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Leading through adversity and rapidly changing environments

The need for strong, connected and forward-thinking leadership of your people is greater than ever as employees grapple with blurred boundaries of fluid operating structures, increased demands and moving goals, higher uncertainty and greater complexity, all within a fast-paced environment.

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Creating a high-performance culture (teams, departments or divisions)

Achieving greater performance, productivity and impact is a constant challenge for leaders. Whether just for a team, a department, a division or for the overall company, creating a climate and culture which enables high performance is key for delivering results and fulfilling strategic ambitions.

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Leading and engaging remote teams / people

Most organisational cultures are not totally conducive to sustainable remote working practices, with productivity, engagement and wellbeing all being impacted. Organisations will need to reset their internal culture and ways of working to enable remote working to be a sustainable, human and productive way of operating.

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